Always the best hotel deals - guaranteed  

HotelCard Best-Price-PLUS Guarantee

The HotelCard team works tirelessly to provide our members with hotel rates that are far better than any other offer on the market. The goal is clear: honest and transparent discounts. And we mean it - after all, members pay us for this privilege.

Accordingly, our partner hotels are required to align the base prices published on with their actual daily rates. We constantly check whether the price promise or the indicated discounts are kept and contact hotels where this is not the case (outside a tolerance range). We are also in the process of directly connecting our partner hotels with our platforms, so that prices and availability are always transmitted to HotelCard in real time. The number of directly connected hotels is growing every week - you can recognize them by the label "Instant Booking".

Nevertheless, for hotels without a direct connection, price deviations may occasionally occur. As a rule of thumb, these deviations should not exceed a reasonable tolerance range (+/- 10%). In any case, however, HotelCard prices should always be significantly cheaper than comparable offers where 30% or 50% discount is indicated.

Please note the following points when comparing prices:
  1. the booking dates for check-in and check-out must be the same
  2. make sure to compare the same room type
  3. make sure to compare the same meal plan (breakfast, half board) etc.
  4. make sure the same cancellation conditions apply 

In the rare case that you find the same room for a specific date on another web portal at a lower price, please let our customer service know immediately and we will contact the hotel.